Vampire Update!

Hello Riftanians!

With the new Vampire boss out I have been testing it and the move set seemed mediocre for a boss! 
I decided to add about 15 new moves to the vampire arsenal! including inside the Vampire class too!

New Attacks:

- Blood Claw 1x lifesteal claw attack
- Blood Claws 2x lifesteal claw attack
- Blood Slashing 3x lifesteal claw attack
- Blood Frenzy (Bleeding Claws just name changed) 5x lifesteal claw attack

- Single Blood Siphon - Targets 1 enemy and siphons blood from them back to the user!
- Blood Siphon - targets entire party and siphons blood from them back to the user!
- Strong Blood Siphon - targets entire party and siphons blood from them back to the user! a lot more damage!
- Ascendant Blood Siphon - targets entire party and siphons blood from them back to the user! 3x hits!

New Buffs:
- Blood Mana: turns most magical skills into HP cost rather than Mana Cost!
- Wound Siphon: strike an enemy with a physical attack that provides 100% Life Steal!
- Wound Leech: strike an enemy with a magical attack that provides 100% Life Steal!
- Leeching Strikes: 50% Life Steal to all physical attacks, 4 turns
- Leeching Mana: 50% Life Steal to all magical attacks, 4 turns
- Sanguine Mist: turn into a blood red mist, gain 80% Physical and 60% Magical resistance, 30% Life Steal on all attacks for 3 turns!
- Necromancy: Raise a dead ally from the grave at 35% HP, mostly a move for enemies but I added it here!
  (A few enemies that have necromancy: dark mage, rogue priest, cursed skeleton mage, vampire)
- Blood Rain: 
50% Blood Magic Boost
-50% Light Element
10% HP regen if vampire
50% vulnerability to Blood Mark if not vampire

New Debuffs:
- Blood Levy - Mark a enemy for a Blood Levy that provides user with 8% of targets HP for 3 turns, providing 24% HP
- Mass Blood Levy - Mark all enemies for a Blood Levy that provides user with 8% of targets HP for 3 turns, providing 24% HP

EDIT: Now that I can upload again,
I nerfed the Strong and Ascendant Blood Siphon moves
I nerfed the Vampire Lord and Lady duo to NOT summon minions anymore after turn 5, it was extremely too hard with the new vampire moves!

Files 1.4 GB
Version 58 Apr 28, 2023

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