2.7 Barrier Update!

2.7   2/15/2023
Barriers Update

Hello! I am very happy to announce a brand new mechanic in combat: Barriers!

These are basically shields that priests can cast that add a Health Bar to the top of the targets Normal Health Bar, once the Barrier is broken the enemy can be damaged as usual. The Barrier and The attacked target will each take damage, until the barrier is fully broken! You can use Pleas which are 1 time consumable items that can either cast a barrier (useful for anyone that isn't Lucian or Bernard since everyone else cannot cast Barriers!) There are also Pleas for Barrier Breaking which add Barrier Penetration to your attacks!

Barriers really seem to fill the void that Lucian had since the day I removed Summoning from him! (was massively bugged)

To access these prayers, visit the Cradallian Monk in the Rifthaven Inn!

The Barrier gaining abilities (Barrier Blessings) can be used only by Lucian and Bernard!

Single Target Barrier Prayers:
Minor (300), Standard (600), Major (1000)
Demonic (1250), Angelic (1500)
Dark Lords (3000), Seldarines (5000)
Dark Lord and Seldarines are in the game but not obtainable or used by enemies at the moment! (Demonic is used by 1 enemy!)
Party Barriers: Minor (250), Standard (500), Major (1000)
Regenerating Barriers (single target): Minor (200 for 3 turns), Standard(300 for 3 turns), Major (400 for 3 turns)
Regenerating Barriers (party): Dark Plea (Hits self (might be party) for 1000 Damage, party gains Regenerating Barrier for 4 turns!)
Bright Plea (Heals party for 1000 Damage, party gains Regenerating Barrier for 4 turns!)

There are also 3 new Barrier Breaker spells:
Barrier Breaker: 20% Barrier penetration on attacks for 5 turns
Barrier Slayer: 50% Barrier penetration on attacks for 4 turns
Barrier Bane: 100% Barrier penetration on attacks for 3 turns

Cooldowns are also linked so that you cannot cast "Minor Barrier" and a "Major Barrier" at the same time, although you can cast a
"Minor Barrier" and stack it with a Party Barrier, Regenerating Barrier, or a Regenerating Party Barrier, as these are all seperate categories that I put them into for the linked cooldowns.

I have made these enemies use barriers and drop Barrier Fragments: (Going to be adding more as I go)

Cradallian Monk
Ice Priestess/Sorceress
Rogue Priest
Rogue Palein Priest
Rogue Pikarian Priest
Gargoyle Rider
Seldarinian Fairy
Sentient Experiment
Corrupted Automaton
Sentient Drone
Arch Demon
Water Nymph
Zalasian Beetle and Cloud Thundercaller

The only 2 boss battles where I put a cool forced barrier into the fight so far are:
The Tower of Arms 4
The Ice King (I think this one stayed, RPG Maker crashes a lot and deletes my work haha)

Now for the Spells that got updated!

Shroud Spells:
2 cooldown added (previously 0)
Slight MP Cost increase
Slight TP Cost increase
Adds a 250 HP Party Barrier for 3 turns! (or until 500 HP is depleted if that happens first)

Holy Protection
Now gives the Darkness Shroud buff (20% Dark Resist 1-3 turns)
Has a cooldown of 2
Adds a 250 HP Party Barrier for 3 turns! (or until 500 HP is depleted if that happens first)
Still maintains the Magic Defense 25% buff for 3 turns (stackable!)

Dark Sigil
Now gives the Light Shroud buff (20% Light resist 1-3 turns)
Has a cooldown of 2
Adds a 250 HP Party Barrier for 3 turns! (or until 500 HP is depleted if that happens first)
Still maintains the Defense 25% buff for 3 turns (stackable!)

Buffed Tungsten Boulder to throw 3 Boulders at 3 random enemies!

Now for some minor changes:

I added a custom regeneration animation and a mp regeneration (might scale it down as the heart is huge)
Added a bunch of icons
Updated the Tower of Arms to be a circular tower to match the model on the outside rather then a awkward big square
nerfed HP scaling formula for enemies slightly (still working on making it reasonable)
added battlebacks throughout the entire game! (Think I listed this last changelog)
Made the Tower of Arms 4 fight slightly harder! (Buffed the HP by a couple hundred and added Standard Party Barrier to Wind Mage Yanu, this move is also forced at turn 5 regardless of Wind Mage Yanu's cooldown of the move!

Also I found out (I am almost positive) that when obtaining a new item from a enemy you already have registered in the Beast Book, that the background seems to change! Pretty cool!


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