Update 2.6 Bug Fix Patch

Hello again Rift Walkers!

Today I uploaded a massive fix that would be game breaking if you find any enemies for the first time in Cradalios Canyon!

This bug should be fixed although I am unsure if a full restart of the playthrough is required, or if the background in the Beast Book will just update.. The problem was I had a all in 1 battle background instead of 2 seperate (ground half and the sky half) So what I did was basically set both images as the same image and it seems to have fixed itself!
Here's my clip of testing it in the game in my actual play through!
https://streamable.com/uprwmt  I use streamable because its just faster then youtube to upload a 30 second clip.

Added Fairy Dust recipes to all the cauldrons and added 3-4 cauldrons in Future Cradalios!

I added Zeke and Tricia into the tutorial battle as it caused a very weird bug where they were locked into party position 2 and 3, making beatrix the leader of the party, it was pretty amusing but this is now fixed!

I should have also fixed Beatrix not learning Thaw.
I fixed the problem with the Weekly Augmentator where he would sell you the 20,000 one if you cancel the 2nd option.
Beatrix should not be recruitable multiple times anymore!

EDIT: I Fixed ALL of the areas that did NOT have a battle back so that the beast book problem should be prevented in the future! Thank you for the patience everyone!


riftania-win.zip 1.4 GB
Version 9 Feb 14, 2023

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